> FileMan
> Tutorial
> Toolbar
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The Toolbar
- The path for the current window. The path statement is
the list of directories leading to the location of a file. A directory is
the same thing as a folder. The root is the top-most directory available.
The current directory shown in the above image is named fun.
These directory labels are hyperlinks that can be used to traverse the directory
structure of the account.
- Directory Data Entry Strip: Another way to open a directory:
you can type in the name of the directory and click the go button to open
it. For instance, typing in /html will take you back to the
/html directory.
- The Tools: A collection of site management tools.
- Search: search for a string of text appearing in any,
or all, of the checked files. Fileman will then present you with a list of
the files containing the string.
- Replace: find every occurrence of a string of text and
replace it with the supplied new string.
- Command: Allows you to
run commands in a Virtual Telnet/SSH environment where any files that are
owned by your account name are available for your use.
- Upload:
Upload a file to the Fileman account. When you click on Upload a strip opens
in the bottom part of the window containing a data entry strip, a browse button
and an upload button. Use the browse button to select the file to be uploaded.
The filename will then appear in the data entry strip. Click the Upload button
to transfer the file.
- New File: Create a new text file. We only recommend using
this method of web site creation if you don't have another program to create
them. It is, however, useful for raw notes and strictly emergency html page
changes. Make sure you have a backup of your files before using this option.
- New Dir: Create a new directory (AKA Folder)
- Protect: Perhaps the most
useful feature of Fileman, this allows you to password protect any directory
of your site.
- Preferences: Settings
to customize the look of Fileman. Settings include the font face, how lists
of files are sorted, screen and link colors, number of lines per display.
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